Terminalia Arjuna Q

Name Terminalia Arjuna Q
Code 98329141
Type Standard
Brand Dr Masood Homoeopathic Pharmaceutical
Category Homeopathic
Price 180.00
Unit PCS (pcs)

Product Details

Terminalia Arjuna Q mother Tincture acts as a heart tonic & strengthens the heart muscles. Arjuna Q relieves the pain of angina and prevents heart attack. Sourced from Arjun Tree, Arjuna Mother tincture is used as a blood purifier. Terminalia arjuna mother tincture is used to promotes the healing of cuts and ulcers. Arjuna Q helps reduce blood cholesterol levels and improves cardiac & heart..

  • Terminalia Arjuna Q mother Tincture acts as a heart tonic & strengthens the heart muscles.
  • Arjuna Q relieves the pain of angina and prevents heart attack.
  • Sourced from Arjun Tree, Arjuna Mother tincture is used as a blood purifier.
  • Terminalia arjuna mother tincture is used to promotes the healing of cuts and ulcers.
  • Arjuna Q helps reduce blood cholesterol levels and improves cardiac & heart health.

Common name:

Golden Ragwort

Botanical name:

Senecio aureus

Therapeutic index:

  • Amenorrhea; in young girls
  • Enuresis
  • Renal colic

Complementary medicines:

Mother Tinctures:

Berberis vulgaris, Cephalandara indica, Chimaphila umbellate, Damiana, Diascorea villosa, Echinacea angustifolia, Hydrangea arborescens, Janosia Asoka, Pareira brava, Plantago major, Rhus aromatica, Sarsaparilla officinalis, Thlaspi bursa pastortis, Tribulus terrestris, Uva ursi

Combination tablets:

CT 35 (RENOL), CT 52 (ENUROL), CT 57 (FEMTON),

Heal remedies:




Biochemic salt:

Calcarea phosphorica, Ferrum phosphoricum, Kali sulphuricum, Magnesia phosphorica, Natrum sulphuricum. [Usually prescribed in 6x potency, Dosage: 2 tablets, thrice a day.]


Tincture to third potency. [Or to be used as directed by a registered Homoeopathic Physician.]


Consult your Homeopathic Doctor before taking this medication.

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