Code 88829490
Type Standard
Brand Dr Masood Homoeopathic Pharmaceutical
Category Homeopathic
subcategory MASOOD M.P. W TABLETS
Price 220.00
Unit PCS (pcs)

Product Details


For management of symptoms of worry, anxiety & depression. Alleviates stress & strains. Refreshes mind, offers mental peace & calm. Promotes normal sleep, induces quietness.


Each tablet contains: Homeopathic mother tinctures of

  • Passiflora inc 36% v/w
  • Hypericum perf 36% v/w
  • Valeriana 16% v/w
  • Rauwolfia ser 16% v/w

Mode of action:

Passiflora inc:Has a quieting effect on the nervous system. Insomnia, produces normal sleep, no disturbance of cerebral functions. Acute mania.

Hypericum perf:Effects of shock. Melancholy.

Valeriana:Hysteria, over-sensitiveness, nervous affections, when apparently well-chosen remedies fail. Hysterical spasms and affections generally. Hallucinations at night. Irritable. Tremulous.

Rauwolfia ser:Effective in violent maniacal symptoms and insanity and irritative conditions of the central nervous system.

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