Name MPW-18 (ICHVEN)
Code 49671835
Type Standard
Brand Dr Masood Homoeopathic Pharmaceutical
Category Homeopathic
subcategory MASOOD M.P. W TABLETS
Price 220.00
Unit PCS (pcs)

Product Details


For management of symptoms constipation, white leg after delivery, varicose ulcers and phlebitis. Pain in joints.


Each tablet contains:

  • Calc flour 6x 19.36% w/w
  • Ferr phos 6x 19.36% w/w
  • Calc iod 3x 19.36% w/w
  • Zincum met 6x 19.36% w/w
  • Pulsatilla 2x 19.36% w/w

Mode of action:

Calc flour:Varicose or enlarged veins. Constipation.

Ferr phos:Remedy for first stage of all febrile disturbances and inflammation before exudation sets in.

Calc iod:Indolent ulcers, accompanying varicose veins.

Zincum met:Hard, small, constipated stool. Varicose veins, especially of lower extremities

Pulsatilla:Varicose veins.

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