Name MPW-07 (DYJEST)
Code 68331901
Type Standard
Brand Dr Masood Homoeopathic Pharmaceutical
Category Homeopathic
subcategory MASOOD M.P. W TABLETS
Price 220.00
Unit PCS (pcs)

Product Details


For management of symptoms of stomach derangements. Acid and sour eructations.


Each tablet contains:

  • Nat phos 2x 19.36% w/w
  • Nux vomica 2x 19.36% w/w
  • Carbo veg 6x 19.36% w/w
  • Nat sulph 3x 19.36% w/w
  • Berberis vulg 1x 19.36% w/w

Mode of action:

Nat phos:Ailments, with excess of acidity. Sour eructations and taste. Sour vomiting.

Nux vomica:Sour taste. Sour, bitter eructations.

Carbo veg:Sour Eructations, heaviness, fullness, and sleepiness.

Nat sulph:Flatulency; wind colic in ascending colon. Bilious vomiting, acid dyspepsia, with heartburn and flatulence.

Berberis vulg:Stitching pain in front of kidneys extending to liver, spleen, stomach, groins.

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