Code 03435656
Type Standard
Brand Dr Masood Homoeopathic Pharmaceutical
Category Homeopathic
subcategory MASOOD M.P. W TABLETS
Price 220.00
Unit PCS (pcs)

Product Details


For management of symptoms of cough, cold and catarrh. Whooping cough. Inflammatory fever. Tendency towards quinsy.


Each tablet contain:

  • Ferr phos 4x 19.36% w/w
  • Kali mur 4x 19.36% w/w
  • Calc iod 3x 19.36% w/w
  • Bryonia 1x 19.36% w/w
  • Drosera 1x 19.36% w/w

Mode of action:

Ferr phos:First stage of all inflammatory affections. Croup. Hard, dry cough, with sore chest. All catarrhal and inflammatory fevers; first stage.

Kali mur:It certainly is of great value in catarrhal affections, in sub-acute inflammatory states. Loud, noisy stomach cough; cough short, acute, and spasmodic, like whooping-cough; expectoration thick and white.

Calc iod:Chronic cough; Pain in chest. Hectic fever; green purulent expectoration. Croup.

Bryonia:Chill with external coldness, dry cough, stitches. Internal heat.

Drosera:Spasmodic, dry irritative cough, like whooping-cough, the paroxysms following each other very rapidly. Hoarseness. Internal chilliness; shivering, with hot face, cold hands, no thirst.

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