Code 52634890
Type Standard
Brand Dr Masood Homoeopathic Pharmaceutical
Category Homeopathic
Price 160.00
Unit PCS (pcs)

Product Details



Baldness typically refers to excessive hair loss from your scalp. Hereditary hair loss with age is the most common cause of baldness.

Hair loss can affect just your scalp or your entire body. It can be the result of heredity, hormonal changes, medical conditions or medications. Anyone can experience hair loss, but it’s more common in men.


Hair loss is typically related to one or more of the following factors:

  • Family history (heredity).
  • Hormonal changes and medical conditions.
  • Medications and supplements.
  • Radiation therapy to the head.
  • A very stressful event.
  • Certain hairstyles and treatments.


Hair loss can appear in many different ways, depending on what’s causing it. It can come on suddenly or gradually and affect just your scalp or your whole body. Some types of hair loss are temporary, and others are permanent.

Signs and symptoms of hair loss may include:

  • Gradual thinning on top of head.
  • Circular or patchy bald spots.
  • Sudden loosening of hair.
  • Full-body hair loss.
  • Patches of scaling that spread over the scalp.


Healthy, beautiful hair forever is possible with Masood’s HR 43. Masood’s HR 43 promotes hair growth, hair restoration, and checks hair fall, dandruff, and thinning of hair. It stops itching and itching and scaling on scalp instantly. Masood’s HR 43 has power over most of hair fall causes.


HR 43 is indicated for benign prostatic hypertrophy and androgenetic alopecia (AGA). HR 43 contains serenoa repens (SR) is the most popular among the botanically derived 5aR inhibitors. HR 43 works by blocking enzyme 5 alpha reductase (5aR). Also, Serenoa Repens is thought to decrease dihydrotestosterone (DHT) uptake by hair follicle and decrease the binding of DHT to androgenetic receptors in baldness and prostate enlargement. HR 43 contains Thuja Occ which is a potent antiviral, and because of its thujone content it is used to inhibit dandruff virus from the scalp. HR 43 helps build and strengthen tissue and increase metabolism. It also acts as a diuretic which improves urinary flow, stimulates appetite, digestion and absorption of nutrients. HR 43 may block some hormonal effects and may be an effective treatment for hair loss, with benefits similar to the agent when applied to the scalp. Early research suggests that saw palmetto may improve hair density, but evidence is limited at this time. Further research is needed before conclusions can be made. HR 43 enlarges the hair stem diameter, thus improving the appearance, and arrests the progression of androgenetic alopecia (AGA).


Each 1ml contains:

  • Acid phos 200C 10% v/v.
  • Sabal serr 1D 25% v/v.
  • Thuja occi 12D 33% v/v.
  • Wiesbaden 200C 20% v/v.
  • Zincum sulph 1D 12% v/v.

With excipients q.s.

Formula with properties:

Acid phos 200C:Crushing headache. Pressure on top. Hair gray early in life; falls out.

Sabal serr 1D:Vertigo, with headache. Neuralgia in feeble patients. Hair fall due to nervous weakness.

Thuja occi 12D:Neuralgia from tea. Left-sided headache. White, scaly dandruff; hair dry and falling out.

Wiesbaden 200C:best remedy for Alopecia. Equally helpful in males and females.

Zincum sulph 1D:mental weakness, headache & hair fall in school going children due to, mental exertion.

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