Code 58577522
Type Standard
Brand Dr Masood Homoeopathic Pharmaceutical
Category Homeopathic
Price 150.00
Unit PCS (pcs)

Product Details


Hemorrhoids, also known as piles, are swollen veins in the lower part of the anus and rectum. When the walls of these vessels are stretched, they become irritated.

Everyone has hemorrhoids (or piles), the pillow-like clusters of veins that lie just beneath the mucous membranes lining the lowest part of the rectum and the anus. The condition hemorrhoids (or piles) develops when those veins become swollen and distended, like varicose veins in the legs.

There are two kinds of hemorrhoids:

Internal hemorrhoids: which occurs in the lower rectum, they are typically painless, even when they produce bleeding. For example, see bright red blood on the toilet paper or dripping into the toilet bowl. Internal hemorrhoids may also prolapse, or extend beyond the anus, causing several potential problems.

External hemorrhoids: which develop under the skin around the anus. This type of hemorrhoids are the most uncomfortable, because the overlying skin becomes irritated and erodes. If a blood clot forms inside an external hemorrhoid, the pain can be sudden and severe.


The veins around anus tend to stretch under pressure and may bulge or swell. Swollen veins (hemorrhoids) can develop from increased pressure in the lower rectum due to:

  • Straining during bowel movements
  • Sitting for long periods of time on the toilet
  • Chronic diarrhea or constipation
  • Obesity
  • Pregnancy
  • Anal intercourse
  • Low-fiber diet


Signs and symptoms of hemorrhoids may include:

  • Bleeding during bowel movements
  • Itching or irritation in anal region
  • Pain or discomfort
  • Swelling around anus
  • A lump near your anus


Piles are hemorrhoids that become inflamed. Main causes of piles and hemorrhoids are low fiber diet, pregnancy, obesity, diarrhea, spinal card injury, chronic constipation. Masood’s HR 23 is likely useful in internal and external piles and hemorrhoids. It is useful in hard lump around the anus, bowel fullness feeling, bright red blood discharge, pain while defecating, soreness and redness of anus.


HR 23 is believed to have a somewhat stronger action upon the venous circulation acting as decongestive and anti-engorgement remedy. It is useful in reflex disorders depending upon the rectal involvement-such as headache, spasmodic asthma, dyspnea dizziness, and disturbed digestion. This helps to reduce the swelling of anus and relaxes spasm of the sphincter muscle. It acts as hemostatic and is best indication in bleeding hemorrhoids. It loosens the bowels and produces not a strong impression upon the system tone the mucus membrane of the stomach intestines when impaired by diseases and indigestion and promotes the appetite. Aesculus Hip contains Aesculin, argynaescin, and a sternutatory, saponin (aphrodaescin) which has stronger action upon the venous circulation. It is a remedy of value in neuralgia of the abdominal and pelvic viscera, when there is plethora. It is a remedy for congestion and engorgement. It may be used for non-bleeding piles when full, purple and painful, with a feeling as if a foreign body is in the rectum; there may also be itching and heat, or simply a sense of uneasiness or discomfort. It is effective in neuralgic pain coming from engorged hemorrhoids, as it is also helps in reflex disorders depending upon the rectal involvement-such as headache, spasmodic asthma, dyspnea dizziness, and disturbed digestion. Nux Vomica is often used in mixtures – for its stimulant action on the gastro-intestinal tract. It is much used as a gastric tonic in dyspepsia. Sulphur in small doses loosens the bowels and produces not a strong impression upon the system tone the mucus membrane of the stomach intestines when impaired by diseases and indigestion and promoting the appetite.


Each 1ml Contains;

  • Aesculus hip 2D 10% v/v
  • Hamamelis virg 1D 13% v/v
  • Nux vom 3D 12% v/v
  • Paeonia off 1D 6% v/v
  • Sulphur 3CH 6% v/v

With excipient q.s.

Formula with properties:

Aesculus hip 2D:Haemorrhoids, with sharp shooting pains up the back; blind and bleeding; worse during climacteric, engorged Haemorrhoidal veins.

Hamamelis virg 1D:Anus feels sore and raw. Haemorrhoids, bleeding profusely, with soreness. Dysentery. Pulsation in rectum.

Nux vom 3D:Itching, blind Haemorrhoids, with ineffectual urging to stool, stools relieve pains for a time. Constant uneasiness in rectum.

Paeonia off 1D:Haemorrhoids, fissures, ulceration of anus and perineum. Atrocious pains with and after each stool.

Sulphur 3CH:Itching and burning of anus; piles, Morning diarrhea, Haemorrhoids, oozing and belching.

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