Dr Reckeweg R71 Sciatica Drops

Name Dr Reckeweg R71 Sciatica Drops
Code 53328516
Type Standard
Brand Dr Reckeweg
Category Homeopathic
Price 980.00
Unit PCS (pcs)

Product Details

Dr. Reckeweg R 71 Ischialgin

Sciatica Drops

Indications: Sciatica. Sciatica as a result of prolapse of the vertebral discs. Paraesthesias, formication in legs.

Mode of action of main Ingredients

Aconitum: Colds caused by dry cold air. Fommications and pains in legs. Paraesthesias especially at night.

Arsenicum album: Burning pain especially at midnight. Ameliorated by warm applications.

Colocynthis: Violent pains that are aggravated by slightest movement, cold or even touch. Cramplike drawing pain along the sciatic nerve.

Gnaphalium polycephalum: Nerve root pain with formications. Ameliorated on sitting.

Magnesium phosphoricum: Nocturnal pain, ameliorated by warm applications and pressure.

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