Dr. Reckeweg R6 Influenza Drops

Name Dr. Reckeweg R6 Influenza Drops
Code 48351294
Type Standard
Brand Dr Reckeweg
Category Homeopathic
Price 980.00
Unit PCS (pcs)

Product Details

Dr. Reckeweg R 6 Gripfektan

Influenza Drops

Indications: Acute feverish inflammations of the fibrous tissues and the serous membranes. Gripfektan: Specific serous remedy, especially influenza. General infection with pain in the limbs, sensation of prostration, dull head-aches, restlessness. Dry and burning skin, acute pains. Feverish catarrh of the mucosa of the upper air-passages, rhinopharyngitis, influenza bronchitis, pneumonia, inflammation of the serous membranes, pleurisy, pericarditis, peritonitis, irritation of the peritoneum during inflammatory processes of the abdominal organs.

Mode of Action of Main Ingredients

Baptisia: Typhic fever, stupor and lethargy, cold, irritation of the mucous membranes.

Bryonia: Catarrhal fever, headaches, piercing pains, inflammation of the serous tissues.

Camphora: Analeptic, calmative.

Causticum: Sensation of rawness of mucosa, hollow cough, weakness of the sphincter of bladder.

Eucalyptus: General agitation and accelerated breathing, weariness and rigidity of limbs, headaches, fever.

Eupatorium perfoliatum: Fever with sensation of prostration. Catarrhal inflammation of the upper air-passages with tendency to cough and sensation of rawness of mucosa.

Ferrum phosphoricum: Remedy for fever and inflammation, low pulse, rush towards the head. Especially effective in inflammations of the upper respiratory tracts and in bronchopneumonia.

Gelsemium: Congestive headaches, sleeplessness, shivering and prostration.

Sabadilla: Convulsic stimulus of the sneezing centre, burning cold stimulus of the coughing centre, stitches on the chest.

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