Dr Reckeweg R54 Memory Drops

Name Dr Reckeweg R54 Memory Drops
Code 43449312
Type Standard
Brand Dr Reckeweg
Category Homeopathic
Price 980.00
Unit PCS (pcs)

Product Details

Dr. Reckeweg R 54 Imbelion

Memory Drops

Indications: Disturbances in cerebral function, weakness of memory. Faulty spiritual development of school-children, indifference, lassitude exhaustion. Memory loss due to old age.

Mode of action of main Ingredients

A variety of remedies with particular cerebral activity are included in this complex. The individual symptomatologies as follows:

Anacardium: Specific action in weakness of memory.

Arsenicum album: Helpful in cerebral anaemia, stimulant of the cellular function.

Belladonna: In cerebral congestion.

Gelsemium: In vertigo.

Kalium phosphoricum: General tonic of the cerebral function. Excellent nutritive remedy for the nerves.

Lycopodium: Very effective with irregularities in the development of children, through its influence on the detoxicating function of the liver.

Sepia: Against exhaustion and morosity.

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