Dr Reckeweg R28 Menstrual Disorder Drops

Name Dr Reckeweg R28 Menstrual Disorder Drops
Code 51529002
Type Standard
Brand Dr Reckeweg
Category Homeopathic
Price 980.00
Unit PCS (pcs)

Product Details

Dr. Reckeweg R 28 Secalen

Menstural Disorder Drops

Indications: Dysmenorrhea, amenorrhea. Acts on the unstriped muscular fibres. Conditions of exhaustion due to loss of blood. Flushes of heat followed by perspiration. Dull pains across the small of the back.

Mode of action of main Ingredients

Acid sulf: Bleedings of any type, flushes of heat followed by perspiration. Exhaustion, weariness.

Crocus: Menstrual blood is dark or black, clotty. Feeling of something moving around in abdomen, without abortion. Ferrum phosph.: Acts energetically on the blood circulation, excellent in dilatation of the veins.

Hamamelis: Indicated in hemorrhage, influences especially the veins.Headaches. Dark coloured blood, sensation of pain in the affected parts. Exhaustion caused by loss of blood.

Secale cornutum: Acts mainly on the unstriped muscular fibres; congestion, distress and uterine prolapsus. Primary effect upon contraction, secondary effect produces dilatation of unstriped muscular fibres.

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