Dr Reckeweg R21 Skin Drops

Name Dr Reckeweg R21 Skin Drops
Code 05512330
Type Standard
Brand Dr Reckeweg
Category Homeopathic
Price 980.00
Unit PCS (pcs)

Product Details

Dr. Reckeweg R 21 Medorrhan

Skin Drops

Indications: Chronic eczema. Skin disease not yielding to conventional therapy. Constitutional improvement in cases associated with skin diseases. To increase reactivity.

Mode of Action of Main Ingredients

Medorrhinum: Diffuse itching of the skin worse in the evening. Redness with copper red coloured spots, sometimes turning brown, warts. Results from suppressed Gonnorrhoea.

Psorinum: Influences the Iymphatic and glandular system. Vesicles, nodules and pustules. General debility, offensive discharges.

Thuja: Painful and over-sensitive skin, worse for touch, with formication, itching and burning. Wet eczema particularily on scalp and face, warts.

Vaccininum: Ill-effects from smallpox vaccination, persistent skin eruptions, neuralgias, general dyscrasia

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