Name CT-57 (FEMTON)
Code 13502850
Type Standard
Brand Dr Masood Homoeopathic Pharmaceutical
Category Homeopathic
Price 210.00
Unit PCS (pcs)

Product Details


All round tonic for female organisms.


Each tablet contains:

  • Calc flour 6x 19.36% w/w
  • Calc phos 12x 19.36% w/w
  • Ferr phos 12x 19.36% w/w
  • Kali mur 6x 19.36% w/w
  • Kali phos 12x 19.36% w/w

With excipients q.s. to tablet weight.

Drug Facts:

Calc flour:Much wind in the lower bowels. worse, pregnancy. knots, kernels hardened glands in the female breast.

Calc phos:Menses too early, excessive, and bright in girls. If late, blood is dark; sometimes, first bright, then dark, with violent backache. During lactation with sexual excitement. Leucorrhea, like white of egg.

Ferr phos:Menses every three weeks, with bearing-down sensation and pain on top of head. Vaginismus. Vagina dry and hot.

Kali mur:Menstruation too late or suppressed. Leucorrhea; discharge of milky-white mucus, thick, non-irritating, bland. Morning sickness. Bunches in breast feel quite soft and are tender.

Kali phos:Menstruation too late or too scanty in pale, irritable, sensitive, lachrymose females. Feeble and ineffectual labor pains.

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