Secondary Name BIO-21
Code 18646331
Type Standard
Brand Dr Masood Homoeopathic Pharmaceutical
Category Homeopathic
subcategory Dr. MASOOD BIOGEN
Price 495.00
Unit PCS (pcs)

Product Details


  • Good for easy baby teething.
  • Effective for delay tooth development.
  • Calm the peevish child.
  • Make the gums soft for tooth eruption.
  • Also promotes the appetite.


Teething is the process by which an infant's first set of teeth,known as primary or baby teeth, begin to emerge through the gums.

Common signs and symptoms of teething in babies include:

  1. Irritability:Babies may become fussier and more irritable than usual.
  2. Excessive drooling:Increased saliva production is a common teething symptom, which can lead to drooling.
  3. Chewing and biting:Babies often gnaw on their fingers, toys, or other objects to relieve gum discomfort.
  4. Swollen or tender gums:The gums may appear red and swollen where the teeth are erupting, causing discomfort.
  5. Sleep disturbances:Teething discomfort can disrupt a baby's sleep patterns.
  6. Changes in appetite: Some babies may temporarily lose interest in breastfeeding or bottle-feeding during teething.


Each tablet contains:

  • Calcium Phosphoricum 3x 50mg.
  • Ferrum Phosphoricum 3x 50mg.
  • Excipients Q.S 105.


No evidence exists for any established interactions with food or other substances/conventional medicines. Data derived from laboratory studies and healthy volunteers does not shows any serious effects or illness.

Adverse effects:
No adverse effects have been reported or observed till date. However existing symptoms may get worse temporarily when homoeopathic medicines are taken. Some individuals may experience sensitivity to lactose in the tablet base of the remedy. Although the overall risk of homoeopathic remedies causing an adverse effect appears to be low, it is better to consult a Homoeopath instead of self-medication which might result in negative effects due to improper diagnosis or dosage.

It is not observed that there would be any interaction of biochemic salts with conventional medicines, however calcium can slow down the absorption of the drugs such as antibiotics (tetracycline, doxycyclene) etc. Therefore consult a Homoeopathic practitioner for the
interval between using these medicines side by side.



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