Code 49473350
Type Standard
Brand Dr Masood Homoeopathic Pharmaceutical
Category Homeopathic
subcategory Dr. MASOOD BIOGEN
Price 190.00
Unit PCS (pcs)

Product Details


Proventil is indicated for the supportive treatment in asthma, cardiac, nervous or bronchial asthma, spasmodic cough etc.

Asthma is a condition in which airways narrow and swell and produce extra mucus. This can make breathing difficult and trigger coughing, wheezing and shortness of breath. For some people, asthma is a minor nuisance. For others, it can be a major problem that interferes with daily activities and may lead to a life-threatening asthma attack.

Asthma signs and symptoms include:

Shortness of breath
Chest tightness or pain
Trouble sleeping caused by shortness of breath
Coughing or wheezing
A whistling or wheezing sound when exhaling
Wheezing is a common sign of asthma in children)
Coughing or wheezing attacks that are worsened by a respiratory virus, such as a cold or the flu For some people, asthma signs and symptoms flare up in certain situations:
Exercise-induced asthma, which may be worse when the air is cold and dry.
Occupational asthma, triggered by workplace irritants such as chemical fumes, gases or dust.
Allergy-induced asthma, triggered by airborne substances, such as pollen, mold spores, cockroach waste or particles of skin and dried saliva shed by pets (pet dander)


Each tablet contains: Kalium Phosphoricum 3x, Magnesium Phosphoricum 3x, Natrum Muriaticum 6x, Natrum Sulfuricum 3x each 25mg w/w and excipients Q.S to tablet weight.


No evidence exists for any established interactions with food or other substances/conventional medicines. Data derived from laboratory studies and healthy volunteers does not shows any of the serious effects of illness.

No adverse effects have been reported or observed till date. However existing symptoms may get worse temporarily when homoeopathic medicines are taken. Some individuals may experience sensitivity to the lactose in the tablet base of the remedy. Although the overall risk of homoeopathic remedies causing an adverse effect appears to be low. It is better to consult a Homoeopath instead of self medication which might results in negative effects due to improper diagnosis.

There is no evidence that homoeopathic remedies interfere with other substances. Alcohol, tobacco and unhealthy life style may effect the efficacy of Homoeopathic remedies so try to avoid these habits for achieving best results. It would not be anticipated that there would be any interaction with conventional medicines.

As directed by the registered homoeopathic doctor.
Adult:4 Tablets 4 times a day with every 3 hours interval.
Children:2 Tablets 4 times a day with every 3 hours interval.

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