Code 75815965
Type Standard
Brand Dr Masood Homoeopathic Pharmaceutical
Category Homeopathic
Price 200.00
Unit PCS (pcs)

Product Details


Silicea is present in the blood, skin, hair, nails, covering of bones and nerves. Its action is deep and long lasting. Silicea is a cleansing, elimination tissue salt. Silicea is indicated in all cases of slow pus formation. It helps to ripen an abscess and promote the discharge. It is a constituent of connective tissue and is present in hair, nails and skin. It removes putrid material from the body. It is indicated in brittle hair and nails, hair loss or irregular nail growth, offensive perspiration, intolerance of milk, suppuration of the abscesses, boils and fistulas. Silicea strengthens the skin and connective tissues by enhancing the elasticity.

Where it Acts?

It acts on skin, muscular tissues, bones, mucous membranes, glands, nerves, lachrymal duct, Eustachian tube, etc. It is for ailments attended with pus formation.

Visual assessment:

Physical signs:

  • Irritation, whining in children.
  • Offensive perspiration, palms and soles.
  • Brittle hair and nails.
  • Noise & light sensitivity.
  • Septic and suppurative conditions.
  • Hematoma re-absorption (i.e. after stroke).

Facial signs:

  • Shinny and glossy skin (polished shine).
  • Waxy yellow or pale skin color.
  • Deep dull eyes.
  • Laughter lines on face.
  • Convulsions of the eyelids.
  • Vertical wrinkles in front of the ears.


  • Pimples, abscesses, fistulas and boils.
  • Intolerance of milk and fat.
  • Offensive perspiration.
  • Smelly feet.
  • Brittle skin, nails and hair.
  • Ingrown toe nails.
  • Septic and suppurative conditions.

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