Dr Reckeweg R34 Recalcifying Drops

Name Dr Reckeweg R34 Recalcifying Drops
Code 90018448
Type Standard
Brand Dr Reckeweg
Category Homeopathic
Price 980.00
Unit PCS (pcs)

Product Details

Dr. Reckeweg R 34 Calcossin

Recalcifying Drops

Dr.Reckeweg R 34 drops is homeopathic medicine to treat symptoms of calcium deficiency through a proprietary blend of several homeopathic herbs (available in drops). It has key Ingredients like calcium fluorat, calcium phosphoric etc that acts on anxiety (perturbations) in calcareous (containing calcium carbonate) tissues and growth of bones. It is indicated for osseous system (consisting of or turned into bone), exostosis (benign outgrowth of cartilaginous tissue on a bone), periostitis (inflammation of the membrane enveloping a bone) and bone fragility (quality of being easily broken or damaged). It treats osteomalacia (softening of the bones), rickets (disease characterized by imperfect calcification, softening, and distortion of the bones), coxitis (inflammation of hip joint) and arthritis (painful inflammation and stiffness of the joints).

Indications: Perturbations in calcareous tissues and the growths of bones, pathological characteristics in the osseous system; exostosis, periostitis, fragility of the bones, osteomalacia, rickets, coxitis and arthritis, as well as nucleus pulposus (complementary).

Mode of action of main Ingredients

A variety of calcium compounds profoundly influence the calcium metabolism according to the symptomatology listed below:

Calcium fluoratum: Acts on the teeths, especially on the enamel.

Calcium hypophosphorosum: Regulating influence on the production of calcium inpregnancy.

Calcium phosphoricum: Perturbations in the growths of the bones, deficiency in calcium production, chronic headaches of anaemic children.

Chamomilla: Angry irritation, head sweat, teething trouble of children.

Hekla Lava: Exostosis affecting the feet.

Mezereum: Inflammation and pains in the skin of bones, especially the shin-bones, the upper part of the arms, and the bones of the chest.

Mercurius praecipitatus ruber: Against osseous deficiencies, exostosis and periostitis with nocturnal pains in the bones.

Silicea: Stimulant of growths; fights fistulae of the bones.

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